Apotheke zum heiligen Leopold, Mr. pharm. Dr. Linsmayer KG FN 12095m

Name according to the Business Register Apotheke zum heiligen Leopold, Mr. pharm. Dr. Linsmayer KG
Business Register number 12095m
Address Holzplatz 8
2620 Neunkirchen, Niederösterreich
Bezirk / Gemeinde Neunkirchen / Neunkirchen
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU19575207
Year established 1910
Telephone number 02635 624 41
Website https://www.rat-tat.at/Apotheke_Zum_Hl_Leopold.html
Email address office@apotheke-neunkirchen.at
Social Media
Fax 02635 624 41-39
Products and services
Business activities Apotheke