Eismann Tiefkühl-Heimservice GmbH FN 339025t

This is a foreign company with a registered branch office in Austria. Branches that are established within Austria are obliged to register in the Business Register. For more information please visit: WKO
Name according to the Business Register Eismann Tiefkühl-Heimservice GmbH
Business Register number 339025t
Address Seibelstraße 36
40822 Mettmann, DEU
1 Registered Branches
Branch 001
Name Eismann Tiefkühl-Heimservice GmbH
Website https://www.eismann.de
Address Karl-Waldbrunner-Platz 1
1210 Wien
Telephone number 01 278 163 718
Type of business entity (legal form) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
VAT No. ATU64650112
Year established 2009
Social Media
Products and services
Business activities Direktvertrieb von tiefgekühlten Lebensmitteln