Apotheke Mühlau Mag. pharm. Falkensteiner KG FN 419108k

Name according to the Business Register Apotheke Mühlau Mag. pharm. Falkensteiner KG
Business Register number 419108k
Address Anton-Rauch-Straße 6
6020 Innsbruck, Tirol
Bezirk / Gemeinde Innsbruck-Stadt / Innsbruck
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU68848278
Year established 1990/2014/2016
Telephone number 0512 26 77 15
Website https://www.apothekemuehlau.at
Email address office@apothekemuehlau.at
Social Media
Fax 0512 26 77 15-15
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