K.I.S. e.U. FN 331264d

Name according to the Business Register K.I.S. e.U.
Establishment name(s)
  • Karner Industrie Service
Business Register number 331264d
Address Bahnhofstraße 5a
3240 Mank, Niederösterreich
Bezirk / Gemeinde Melk / Mank
Type of business entity (legal form) Einzelunternehmer
VAT No. ATU46839809
Year established 2009
Telephone number 0720 51 06 58
0676 671 20 89 (Störungs-Hotline)
Website http://www.k-i-s.at
Email address k.i.s@mvnet.at
Products and services
Further specifications "Karner Industrie Service"