der Schuh - Petra Hanser e.U. FN 332566v

Name according to the Business Register der Schuh - Petra Hanser e.U.
Business Register number 332566v
Address Marktstraße 19
6230 Brixlegg, Tirol
Main operational location Herrnhausplatz 5
6230 Brixlegg, Tirol
Bezirk / Gemeinde Kufstein / Brixlegg
Type of business entity (legal form) Einzelunternehmer
VAT No. ATU65155100
Year established 2009/2011
Telephone number 0660 555 88 70
05337 622 64
0664 525 07 76
Email address
Social Media
Fax 05337 622 64
Products and services