Apotheke Altlengbach, Mag. pharm. Nagler KG FN 456574h

Name according to the Business Register Apotheke Altlengbach, Mag. pharm. Nagler KG
Business Register number 456574h
Address Hauptstraße 8
3033 Altlengbach, Niederösterreich
Bezirk / Gemeinde Sankt Pölten (Land) / Altlengbach
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU71301209
Year established 2016/2017
Telephone number 02774 205 20
Website https://apotheke-altlengbach.at
Email address office@apotheke-altlengbach.at
Social Media
Fax 02774 205 20-4
Products and services