Landgut Furtherwirt GmbH FN 46892i

Name according to the Business Register Landgut Furtherwirt GmbH
Business Register number 46892i
Address Furtherwirt
6382 Kirchdorf, Tirol
Main operational location Innsbrucker Straße 62
6382 Kirchdorf in Tirol, Tirol
Bezirk / Gemeinde Kitzbühel / Kirchdorf in Tirol
Type of business entity (legal form) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
VAT No. ATU69067608
Year established 1982/2015
Telephone number 05352 631 50-0
Email address
Social Media
Fax 05352 621 31-15
Products and services
Business activities ****Hotel-Gasthof-Restaurant "Furtherwirt"