Dipl.-Ing. Ernst Zirngast ZT GmbH FN 466139z

Name according to the Business Register Dipl.-Ing. Ernst Zirngast ZT GmbH
Business Register number 466139z
Address Sailergasse 23
8430 Leibnitz, Steiermark
Bezirk / Gemeinde Leibnitz / Leibnitz
Type of business entity (legal form) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
VAT No. ATU72040917
Year established 2017
Telephone number 03452 83 65 30
0664 335 64 26
Website https://www.zt-zirngast.at
Email address office@zt-zirngast.at
Fax 03452 83 65 35-3
Products and services