Enzi Gastro KG FN 535813k

Name according to the Business Register Enzi Gastro KG
Establishment name(s)
  • Paulus Cafe
Business Register number 535813k
Address Grillparzer Straße 5a
6020 Innsbruck, Tirol
Main operational location Reichenauer Straße 68
6020 Pradl, Tirol
Bezirk / Gemeinde Innsbruck-Stadt / Innsbruck
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU75663989
Year established 2020
Telephone number 0512 34 67 03
0650 804 19 78
Website https://paulus-cafe.eatbu.com
Email address pauluscafe@chello.at
Social Media
Products and services