Scheiber Erich jun Haus Gurgl e.U. FN 218263a

Name according to the Business Register Scheiber Erich jun Haus Gurgl e.U.
Establishment name(s)
  • Haus Gurgl
Business Register number 218263a
Address Haus Gurgl, Gurglerstraße 121
6456 Gurgl, Tirol
Bezirk / Gemeinde Imst / Sölden
Type of business entity (legal form) Einzelunternehmer
VAT No. ATU53484607
Year established 2002
Telephone number 05256 65 33
Email address
Social Media
Fax 05256 65 87
Products and services
Further specifications **** Hotel (Frühstücksbuffet, Restaurant, Sauna, Dampfbad, Infrarotkabine, Bio-Sauna, Massage)