Ribis Gastronomie GmbH FN 383825z

Name according to the Business Register Ribis Gastronomie GmbH
Establishment name(s)
  • Grünwalderhof
Business Register number 383825z
Address Lanser Straße 71
6080 Innsbruck-Igls, Tirol
Main operational location Römerstraße 1
6082 Patsch, Tirol
Bezirk / Gemeinde Innsbruck-Stadt / Innsbruck
Type of business entity (legal form) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
VAT No. ATU67527624
Year established 2012/2019
Telephone number 0512 37 73 04
Website http://www.gruenwalderhof.at
Email address info@gruenwalderhof.at
Social Media
Fax 0512 37 80 78
Products and services
Further specifications ***Hotel "Grünwalderhof" (15 Zimmer, Restaurant, Frühstücksbuffet)