Golfhotel Murhof Goess-Saurau KG FN 259449v

Name according to the Business Register Golfhotel Murhof Goess-Saurau KG
Business Register number 259449v
Address Adriach-Rabenstein 53
8130 Adriach, Steiermark
Bezirk / Gemeinde Graz-Umgebung / Frohnleiten
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU61470205
Year established 2005/2013
Telephone number 03126 30 00
Email address
Fax 03126 30 00-30
Products and services
Business activities ****Hotel (29 Zimmer, Frühstücksbuffet, Restaurant, Infrarotkabine, Hallenbad, Sauna, Dampfbad, Golfplatz)